Bohdan Paar Appointed to Manage the QA Division

12/04/2011, Kromeriz

Bohdan Paar appointed to manage QA.

Bohdan Paar Appointed to Manage the Quality Assurance Division

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the joint stock company Plastika, Ing. Michal Nosek, MBA, appointed a new Director of Quality Assurance as of 25 March 2011. Ing. Bohdan Paar, who has become the new director, worked for the companies Alstom Power, Norgren CZ, Fremach Morava and Seaborne Plastics s.r.o. before he joined PLASTIKA a.s.

Bohdan Paar

Ing. Bohdan Paar

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ing. Nosek, commented on Ing. Paar’s appointment:

Our colleague Paar has not only outstanding technical knowledge and extensive experience with different technologies and data analyses, but also experience with the implementation of new processes, planning and logistics. Therefore, Plastika can use his experience in newly invested-in operations and currently also in the process of implementing the serial production of Mercedes cars’ control panel modules.

With its annual turnover 500 million CZK, PLASTIKA a.s., located in Kromeriz, belongs among the leading suppliers of complex plastic components for industrial products, especially in the automotive and computer industries.

Jana Lastovicova - HR Director PLASTIKA a.s.

Last update 12/04/2011

Kaplanova 2830
767 01 Kromeriz
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 573 511 111